"For the Lord gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come
knowledge and understanding."
Proverbs 2:6
Humanity's greatest need is not for more money.
But for more understanding.
People are often unreasonable,
irrational, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
Mother Theresa


On the following pages are some of the prayers,
proverbs and Inspirational quotes
that I have come across.
Or have been sent to me by friends.

They provide inspiration and even some peace
when my life is in turmoil.

I go to them very often as something happened.
On 5th September 2001
I was given a second chance in life.

I came out of Hospital on the 8th September.

And then was as shocked as the rest of of the

World about the events on the

11th September 2001

This light is to light the path for those
Who seek to find their way
To peace, love and healing.
Please take it and place it on your page.
Watch as it travels from one place to another
As it embraces the world with hope.